pinefarm command line interface

You can get the full update help of the command line interface (CLI) with:

pinefarm --help

Below we present a brief recap of the subcommands and their goal.


Installs various programs, used to run pinecards.


It is the main command provided, and it runs the specified pinecard in the context of the selected theory.

The output will be stored in a directory in the current path, with the name <RUNCARD>-<YYYYMMDDhhmmss>, where:

  • the first part is the name of the selected pinecard (that is also the name of the folder in which all the files are stored)

  • the second part is the timestamp of the moment in which the command is issued


Update the metadata of the specified grid, with the content of the metadata.txt file in the current version of the pinecard.


Merge the specified grids’ content into a new grid.